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COVID19 Resources

This page is a compilation of resources that may be useful to parents, carers and educators to support children and young people, during this time.

recorded during lockdown #COVID19

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episode 1

How do I support my child / children process difficult situations?

episode 2

It's OK to feel sad and happy at the same time!

episode 3

Managing loss and grief

episode 4

How do we fell in control, when there are so many unknowns?

episode 5

Remaining empathetic, whilst looking after our own mental health


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Helpful stories & books

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FREE subscription till the end of this academic year


Creating inclusive environments for people with additional needs

Picturepath supports those with additional support needs, such as autism, to thrive at home, in education and through all of life’s experiences.


Blog: Doing things differently

The Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers

The Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers (SEND) provides you with the required knowledge and skills development around special educational needs and disability (SEND) as you progress through your early teaching career. Using an audit tool, the text builds on any previous training enabling you to ground and embed your practice for children and young people presenting with SEND. It recognises the increasing challenges you may face and distills the theoretical into usable techniques in the classroom. Critical but also practical, the text guides you through research-based concepts and reflective tasks central to understanding and supporting issues around SEND.

The Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers provide accessible, carefully researched, quick-reads for early career teachers, covering the key topics they will encounter during their training year and first two years of teaching. They complement and are fully in line with the new Early Career Framework and are intended to assist ongoing professional development by bringing together current information and thinking on each area in one convenient place.

The book is suitable for both primary and secondary schools.